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Talks in the Northeast: November 12-13

Brett Holverstott

The book launch event at Ada's on October 14th was a success! We packed the house and sold out the store's supply of books. In the audience was a mix of friends, family, scientists, philosophers, and writers.

Matt Schmidt's artwork on display at Ada's Books.

Matt Schmidt's artwork on display at Ada's Books.

On to the next order of business. There will be two speaking events by the author coming up in the Northeast:

Discover and Disbelief: The Hydrino Atom
A broad discussion of the scientific research and the reaction on the part of the scientific community.

3:00-5:00, November 12, in Hatfield, PA.
For event details and to RSVP, please contact the host, John Apple ([email protected]).

6:30-9:00, November 13, in Princeton, NJ
This event will be conducted in two segments with a half hour light dinner snack intermission at 7:30. For event details and to RSVP, please contact the host, Rob Tannen ([email protected]).