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Disclaimer: I have limited patience for flat earthers, expanding earthers, cold fusionists, UFO-philes, conspiracy theorists, futurists, or probably anything else considered fringe. Although I like the red rain stuff - panspermia is cool.



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About the Book: Randell Mills and the Search for Hydrino Energy by Brett Holverstott

Randell Mills and the Search for Hydrino Energy

By Brett Holverstott

Synopsis: In 1991, when Randell Mills proposed a new way to extract energy from hydrogen, few believed it possible. After 25 years of research, Mills and his company Brilliant Light Power stand on the brink of commercializing an explosive new energy source that could bring an end to the era of fossil fuels. The catch? The hydrino atom may reshape the paradigm of physics of the twenty-first century.

Told as a personal journey of discovery, this book takes an inside look at Mills, his critics and collaborators, experiments and technology, and the broad impact his theories may have on our understanding of the universe. It provides sweeping historical background to engage new readers, and an exhaustive bibliography for advanced readers. The book is beautifully illustrated by Matt Schmidt. Forward by Kert Davies. 400 pgs. Available in print and ebook format.

In the Press

What Do Readers Say?

Brett Holverstott’s book is a remarkable achievement. It is a beautifully and logically organized exposition of the difficulties with progress in modern science , juxtaposed with the extraordinary saga of Randell Mills and his revolutionary new theory
— John Sharp
A superb overview, in accessible language, of the salient points of the theory and its supporting experiments and empirical data.
— Luke Setzer, NASA Engineer
Perhaps the greatest scientific story ever told. Well written and immensely informative, Holverstott has provided us with a first-person narrative as the most novel and unexpected theory in the history of physics is developed.
— OptionGeek
Captivating, well researched, and even-handed in the telling of what we hope is the final unification of gravity with electromechanics, and the resolution to many vexing paradoxes in modern physics.
— Paul Hvass
Highly recommended for those generally interested in science and technology.
— Om2010
A monumental effort... This is at once a science history treatise and business mystery story. The evolution of this technology and emergence into the real world has been slow and filled with quick right turns and dead ends. This book captures it all.
— Kert Davies